
Want To Text Your Ex Back? Here's 3 Types Of Text Messages You Should Never Send

So you want to text your ex back? That's great and a very achievable goal if you go about it the right way.

Text messages can be very powerful in all aspects of relationships. They can spark love, passion, and romance. They can create mystery and curiosity. They can help heal past wounds. They can increase intimacy and can even turn your ex's emotions "against them" in a way that turns things to your advantage by opening your ex to the idea of being with you again. Michael Fiore refers to this as "text judo" in his step-by-step texting guide, Text Your Ex Back.

But text messages can also be detrimental to your relationship...

They can be used for "sexting" and sending naked pictures which isn't always a bad thing, but which can also lead to some extremely traumatizing and embarrassing situations when you participate in these kinds of activities with someone you eventually break up with. As they say, "What happens in Vegas ends up on Facebook", somewhere else on the internet, or passed around until they eventually reach your grandmother.

The wrong types of text messages can also start fights, make you appear needy or desperate, make you seem boring and uninteresting, and push your ex away for good.

So how do you send the right texts and avoid the wrong ones?

Here are 3 types of text messages you should never send if you want to text your ex back into your life.

1.) The "Nothing Text"

"Yo." "What's up? " "Hey." These are all examples of nothing texts. In Text Your Ex Back, Michael Fiore explains them as being anything that sounds like it's coming from a 19 year old frat boy. If it's monosyllabic and doesn't do anything to enhance the conversation, then it's probably a nothing text.

And just why are nothing texts bad when you want to text your ex back? Because they usually end up like this...


Your ex..."Hey."

You..."What's up?"

Your ex..."Not much."

You...stumped on where to go from here.

And then you and your ex go into this weird stale mate and feel even more awkward with each other.

2.) The "Needy Text"

The needy text often sounds something like this...

  • "What are you doing?"
  • "Are you dating someone else now?"
  • "Why aren't you texting me back?"
  • "I've sent you 3 texts and no response. Where are you?"
  • "Why don't you love me anymore?"

These types of texts make you seem really insecure. They show you lack confidence. They make your ex feel like you're "up in their business". And who wants to be with someone like that?

3.) The "Begging And Pleading" Text

When you want to text your ex back, the "begging and pleading" text needs to be avoided at all costs. Here are some good examples...

  • "I'll do anything to get you back. Just tell me what to do."
  • "I want you back so bad. Please give me another chance."
  • "I'm so so so sorry. I promise I'll change. I can't live without you."
  • "Let's work this out. Please don't date anyone else. I can't bear the thought of it."

These types of text messages make you come across as desperate. Before you send texts like this, always remember you WANT your ex back in your life, but you don't NEED your ex back in your life. When your ex sees you are OK without them, that's when they'll fear losing you for good and will start wanting you back.

Steer clear of these types of messages and you'll have a much better chance of getting your ex back, especially if you learn more about the best tips and techniques for texting your ex after a breakup.

Next, here's an awesome text message technique you can use to text your ex back.

If you really want to learn how to get your ex back with the help of your phone, here are some super cool, cutting-edge texting tips and techniques that are working right now: Text Your Ex Back 

When I first stumbled across the "Ex Factor Guide" program, I thought it would probably be like all the rest of the 'ex back' products for sale on the internet. Boy, was I wrong!

First of all, "The Ex Factor Guide" is easily the most thorough and comprehensive guide ever written on the subject. It leaves no stones unturned: you may think that your situation is unique, and that any book on the topic can't possibly address the issues you're facing. Well, with "The Ex Factor Guide", that's definitely not the case! The book covers every possible scenario and "what if," meaning that by the time you've finished reading the program, your questions are almost certain to have been answered in depth.

Not only is it the most comprehensive program, it's also the only guide we're found that actually provides hundreds of real-world examples on how to apply the techniques. The chapter on text messages, for example, offers dozens of canned text messages you can send to your ex that are almost guaranteed to get a response!

Perhaps most importantly, it's very clear that the sneaky psychological techniques recommended in "The Ex Factor Guide" have been researched and tested by couples in the real world. The book offers dozens of unique and ground-breaking ideas that I've never read anywhere else.

The Ex Factor Guide claims that over 90% of all relationships can be salvaged, and while that may sound unreasonably high, I actually tend to think that's being completely honest. It's no stretch to imagine that, as stated on the website, anyone who reads and applies the techniques is almost guaranteed to have their ex begging for a second chance.

What about the program itself? The core of the program is a 125 page e-book, professionally written & presented in PDF format. There's also an audio version and a cool video course also included in the price, plus two excellent bonus e-books that cover various topics not addressed in the main e-book.

The best part? It's all available *instantly* from the website... there's no shipping fees and no waiting around for the mailman, because you can download the entire program within 2 minutes of ordering. That's great news, considering that when you're trying to get your ex back, time is of the essence!

If you're ready to get instant access to all of the sneaky psychological tips and techniques, head over to the website and watch the free video presentation now. Trust me, you won't regret it.