
Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back - The Approach You Need to Take (NEW EX 2)

You have tried everything to get your ex boyfriend back. You have tried talking with him. You have tried being nice to your ex. You may have even tried seducing your ex to try to get him back but it seems that everything that you do has ended in failure and probably made things worse. Your ex boyfriend might not even be talking with you right now and you are desperate for what you can do to get him back.

While many experts might tell you that talking and working through your problems is the way to go, what many experts don't realize is that without a desire to get back together your words are falling on deaf ears. Until your boyfriend has a heart felt desire to get back together any attempt to convince him to come back to him is only going to make things worse. This means any phone calls, text messages or attempts to see him or talk to him are just going to make things worse. Does that make sense to you?

Look at it this way... if you had a falling out with a friend... a fight or disagreement... if your friend tried being overly nice to you or tried talking with you or convince you to be friends again you would be further repelled by them, right? If you knew that they were going to be at a party or hanging out with some mutual friends you would avoid them like the plague. Take this same mindset when dealing with your ex and realize that any attempt to interact with your ex before they are ready will only make things worse. Your focus right now should be to properly motivate your ex boyfriend to make him be the one that wants you back. Sounds simply, right? Well there are some tricks to this... 

What Motivates a Man - Men work a little bit different than woman, as you probably already know. If your ex worked the same way that you do he would know that you love him very much and that you are devoted to him and he would want to get back together with you, right? Well, men are wired very differently and the methods that might motivate you to bury the hatchet and get back together just won't work on him and as much as men wish to be thought of as very logical there are times that their logic is faulty.

Men have a peculiar way of shutting off their emotions without much of a thought and doing what they feel is necessary to gain the most pleasure and the least amount of pain out of life. Their emotions are more instinctual and reactionary than heart felt and moving which is why most guys hate chick flicks and often lack a romantic, spontaneous heart. Yes, they can be romantic at times but the thought process that goes along with romantic feelings and acts is very different from what a woman might feel.

Male Psychology - This is why the most effective way to get your ex boyfriend back is through understanding and using male psychology against him. Once you understand what you can do to bring those emotions out in your ex you will have power and the necessary leverage to make your ex come to the conclusion all on his own that what he really wants is to get back together with you. Using male psychology is almost like turning his head in the direction that you want him to go... almost like a horse. And when you learn what emotional buttons to push in your ex he isn't really going to care what you are up to or what your motivation is. All he is going to be able to do is react to them and come running back to you.

Now, if you feel that using male psychology against him is somehow underhanded or a little too much like playing head games with him then you have to think. What is most important to you? Is it important that you get your ex boyfriend back as soon as possible to end the pain of your breakup and secure your place in his life before another woman scoops him up. Or is it important that you play the game by the rules. It's up to you. You can play it by the rules and wait and see if he comes back to you, but you very well might wind up losing him forever. Or you can try something that might be a little shady with the intention of doing what is best for your boyfriend in the long run. After all, your intention is to love him and care for him and make him happy, right? What is so wrong with that and who can fault you for doing what is necessary to bring love and happiness into his heart and life again? 

Timing is critical when getting your ex back. Ex partners often consider a rebound relationship or just casual sex to get over you. You need to act right now. What you need is a complete, step-by-step system to take your hand and show you exactly what to do next to get your ex back in 30 days or less. For the whole system and all you would ever need to know, check it out here right now: Secrets to Get Your Ex Back 

Do you want to get back with your ex? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will have your ex asking you to get back together. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to get your ex back.